
Saturday, December 24, 2016

KFC Madness One More Time

Haha, at this point, I don't care anymore. You Japanese faggots light up KFC one more time!

Look at this line! It's Christmas Eve in Japan and people are craving for f*cking chicken wings. By the way, this KFC is the one near close from Omotesando station. 
This is pathetic that you Japanese f*cks don't have anything better to do than to queue up for your wings. How much dumber can you possibly be than these folks in the photo. 
On Japanese Twitter, people are constantly tweeting stupid garbage like "Oh it's Christmas Eve and I don't have anyone to spend my time with, no boyfriend/girlfriend."
Spend your time with your family you idiot f*cks!
A Boyfriend/girlfriend??? It has nothing to do with Christmas and when will you Japanese morons learn the very meaning of Christmas?? 
I am sure that they don't even bother to think, just like any other thing in Japan.They follow what people do and on Christmas Eve, people spend their time with their partners so I might as well do that. 
That's the thought of Japanese. You idiots should be ashamed of yourselves and it is disrespectful that you turn Christmas in to something totally different.
In addition to KFC, they keep playing their stupid Christmas theme songs over and over. It is like brainwashing for someone like me. The f*cking songs are stuck in my head because I am forced to hear those stupid songs for twenty f*cking hours.
Don't even think about spending your Christmas in Japan, because you will end up in misery.


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