
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Japanese My Number Madness

I finally received an envelop today from the city hall and it says in its content that I must declare my personal information in order to activate and issue my "My Number Card". If you don't know what my number in Japan means, you can click on the link and learn about it. Briefly saying, it's something like the Social Security Number in the US, but a lot shittier and less convenient.

However, I refuse to give my personal information to the government officials because they treat our information like piece of shit. Who believes in this shit? Labeling us with numbers and digits are just like pigs in farms. They treat their citizens like f*cking pigs. Or maybe prisoners, number something! That's going to be our new names.

Well here's the thing that you have to fill your information and resubmit this shit to the government. There have been so many problems related to this new system and it began a year ago or so but I only received my letter today. It's ridiculous, the government thought it was a good idea to copy the US system because the Japanese officials always love the western stuff especially the US. They f*cking failed horribly on this system. No one is actually using this number in Japan and so far only situations you would need your number is when you work. The government does nothing but to tax our asses by using this number so that they can prevent any potential tax evasion and whatsoever. The initial purpose however was promoted from the government that by this number it will be more convenient for all the citizens to deal with bureaucratic procedures at city halls and better and more precised social welfare that one can receive. BULLSHIT, so far non this is happening and only thing that's happening is tax number. I am not going to take part on this therefore I refuse to give my information. You Japanese cocksuckers can chase everyone's ass for your stupid taxes bitch.

1 comment:

  1. hummmm, it's just a social security number not a big deal...



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