
Thursday, December 15, 2016

What Could You Possibly be Proud of Tokyo?

Stupid billboard promotions at the subway Mita station.

On these cheap character drawn billboards, they are questioning the following statement. "What would you like to boast about Tokyo to the world"
Well the answer for me is simple; Tokyo is a f*cking failed Sim City hence something to be ashamed of and therefore there's f*cking nothing that I want to boast about Japan to the world. 
A f*cking 3 year old could've done better in planning a city: Tokyo. I mean how much can they possibly f*ck up? About 90% of Tokyo was burned due to saturated bombardment by Americans during World War II. After the war, Japan still decided to make Tokyo as the capital city of the country. They had the best chance to rebuild the city really efficiently from scratch but let's see what we have right now. Too many stupid ass billboards, unnecessary numbers of restaurants and stores, too many people, too many buildings, which don't have to be that huge, and so on. 
Tokyo as a city is a really ugly place and it's mentally unhealthy to live in Tokyo. 
Tokyo on its surface seems cool but inside it's just a cheap, rushed, unplanned chunk of mess. 
It is really hard to live in Tokyo and there is nothing that you can do in Tokyo other than going to Karaoke or Izakaya crap.

1 comment:

  1. The reconstruction of Tokyo was indeed rushed after the war, but the reason is comprehensible: there was the need to rebuild the destroyed homes and businesses and start again as soon as possible. That is something that happened also in Europe, for example in London after the great fire of the 17th century.

    What truly fucked up Tokyo however was the rampant estate speculation of the 1970s and 1980s.. when the land under the Emperor's palace was worth like the entire state of California.

    And that is not was just plain capitalist madness of which Tokyo and the Kanto region still bear the scars.



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