
Monday, December 5, 2016

Another SMAP Baloney

On Yahoo Japan news, where major news in Japan are usually shared, I read an article whether SMAP will participate on the Japanese annual singing contest called "Kohaku Utagassen". 

Kohaku means red and white and Uta means a song or songs, and Gassen means a contest. Now this contest is something so popular among Japanese and everyone basically watches this contest. In the contest, singers are to be divided based on their gender, so basically male and female with color either red or white. To be in this contest is something considered as hitting on a top billboard chart or something close to that for Japanese. 

They broadcast this show in the end of the year from NHK. Now I have watched this show once a long long time ago and it was so horrible. Singers don't even sing good and nowadays there are more and more idols and idol groups who participate on this event. 

I really think it's stupid. I just don't understand why the Japanese take this contest so seriously and actually enjoy this?? This show is horrible piece of shit. It's not fun at all. This can be said in any major Japanese entertainment show. I believe people in Japan don't understand why it means by entertainment. They simply think if they do something stupid it's fun and entertaining, no not even least bit. When you want to entertain someone you have to think strategically. You may do some stupid shit in a bigger sense not only stupid shit like many Japanese shows are. I believe the contest mentioned above is also somewhat considered as an entertainment show with a bit more serious of a tone.
Even then I still think it's so ridiculous that SMAP not participating on this annual contest gets so much public attention and media reports even more than for instance congress debate on legalization of casino in Japan.
I'm actually sick and tired of opening the page to see the list of news articles because half of them are SMAP or something related to TV industry in Japan and the rest sport and praising Japan type of jerk off articles. I think it's so stupid.


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