
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

3 Reasons Why Keio University Sucks My Balls

Previously I wrote an article about my school Keio. I briefly raged out my frustration toward the school and on this article I will be more objective and give you some useful information to persuade you why you shouldn't be enrolled at Keio especially if you are international students.

To begin with Keio university has a very high tuition fee and probably one of the highest amongst private universities in Japan. It differs department to department within Keio, but mostly you will need at least 800,000 per year which is about 7,500 € per year. Despite the high tuition fee the scholarships offered by Keio internally are absolute f*cking piece of shit. You only get maximum of 200,000 yen per semester which is about 1,800 €. The scholarship won't help your ass in anyway and there's also government funded scholarships in Japan but they ain't worth the shit.
Unless you are a son or daughter of absolute rich parents and really want to go to Japan and really want to work in Japan, avoid Keio it's terrible.

Secondly, there is absolutely no quality control to any class offered at Keio. The most obvious example is those classes taught in English. Despite being English class, professors or teachers can't f*cking speak English and always ends up watching YouTube documentary video in class. It's ridiculous, if they can't teach shit don't teach, we can watch videos at home.
When we ask questions, teachers or professors don't f*cking understand what's been asked. Sometimes they lack basic vocabulary aptitude to conduct most simple class tasks like "attendance" "absence" and etc. This is hideous, would you really want to waste your precious money on this piece of shit?

Thirdly, there is severe discrimination and xenophobia amongst students of Keio and professors and staff. Japanese students in particular, they avoid foreign students, and despise them and see them as something disturbing. I really feel isolated in the school even if I f*cking speak Japanese. Professors also think they are annoying. For instance one of professors at my campus once said "oh this school wants diversity but there are only a few Muslim students so we shouldn't care about them" I mean really? It's not me raging on the Internet, it's a professor giving a lecture in English about international awareness and discussing why Keio doesn't have many foreign students. I mean it's because of you, like you cocksucker teaching students that's the biggest f*cking Problem.

Fourthly, the administration staff are rude as f*ck. Only few of them are capable of speaking English otherwise they just speak Japanese. But how they interact with students are incredibly f*cking rude. They also never are helpful with students, rather they see students as who bring them problems. I mean problems? That's not f*cking Problem, that's what you are paid to do, we students pay you f*cktards the fee, you are paying your rent and feeding your family from our money and you still want to behave like an asshole? F*ck the administration office staff. Not only are they rude, they are so unprofessional with their jobs. I know the reason for this because most of the staff are temporarily signed workers in other words they are not full time employees and they rotate their position every 2 year. They never get to professional level because they frequently rotate their position and that's the reason why everything they do seems as if it's been absolutely the first for them. Because of the gang of amateurs at the office, I've experienced so many crutial failures made by the staff which was out of my control which could've f*cked me over but thank god because I never trusted the office, I always doubted them and always double f*cking checked with those retarded ass motherf*ckers.
To give you a better example, I'll provide you an incredibly stupid amateur f*cking mistake made by the office.

The big one was when I came back from Germany, I had to go through some typical bureaucratic paperwork shit typical in Japan. I was to send them till the end of August. My school semester in Germany ended in July so I send them an email attaching every goddamn document which I needed for my credit transfer and they replied saying "oh please fix these parts with failures"
The failures were f*cking ridiculous like numbering and some spellings and shit which were so unimportant and just nitpicking bullshit. I submitted them the revised documents in the end of July and for f*cking 3 weeks I have received no replies whatsoever and I messaged them again in the end of August and they said I didn't submit the documents so they won't accept my credits. I was like "wait a minute, I f*cking sent you everything I needed to submit, every single f*cking thing" and I copy pasted all the email archives which we had and sent them to the office and they said "oh sorry, the person who was in charge of your exchange program from our section quitted in the end of July."
I was like haha f*cking great, there's no communication going on between their co-workers and they just f*cking leave my documents touched for 3 f*cking weeks and even threaten me that they won't accept my documents. Haha what a great f*cking school Keio is. They almost screwed me over by their own f*cking fault and thank god my credits were acknowledged but I still haven't got no f*cking apologies from the office. Are they out of their f*ckig mind?

I am not making any of this and in fact it's not something I heard it's something I've actually been through, something I've actually experienced.


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