
Monday, November 28, 2016

Reaction of Japanese Morons After the Presidential Election

I was one of those who weren't interested in the presidential election of the United States. However, for some odd reasons, there were a couple of people who are even though Japanese interested in this election. I understand you can be interested but they were heavily concerned about the outcome of the election. Why? They aren't even Americans and they can't even take care of their own government so why even bother?

As I look into this issue, I found interesting characteristics from this. 
Those who concerned this issue were mostly students at universities in Japan or abroad. The demographic of it was very simple.; students. 

Not only were they interested but I've never seen a single Japanese who supported Donald Trump and in fact they look at him as a dictator or a racist. 
They were concerned that Trump might be the president of the United States and they'd been posting crap on Facebook saying oh we need to fight for the democracy and all fancy bullshit words bombarding criticisms toward Trump and etc. 
I looked at it as a silly superficial Japanese crap. Because why on earth would anyone care about the election? Nobody. If you are American it's understandable but if not then they should realize that raising voice is just meaningless since they don't have the right to vote. Also if Japanese were so politically involved in their everyday life, it's understandable, but Japanese themselves lack interest toward politics and let LDP and Shinzo Abe companies do whatever. I want to throw a question at those people that why don't you first care about your own country's politics before you say crap about other countries'. 
It's so baffling to me why they were posting fancy posts about the election. 
I then soon realized that there's superficiality of Japanese going on. 
Since they had constantly been exposed to such posts they thought it was necessary for them to follow the trend. This is what people in Japan love I do, get along with the flow. 
Many of social network users in Japan always try to make themselves look fancy and intelligent so they thought supporting Hilary Clinton would make them look like elites. 
That's the reason why I kept seeing posts on Facebook supporting Hilary. But wait a minute, do they even know what party she belongs to? Or what her policies are? I bet they don't. They just support Hilary so that they can be seen as intelligent elites from urban cities. 

After Trump was officially elected, I saw so many posts saying oh it's the end of the democracy and end of the freedom and liberty in the United States but f*ck all the bullshit, ain't none of that is true. 
Trump was elected through legit electoral procedure which has been applied in the U.S. for more than 200 years. He didn't agitate people to overthrow government. He didn't cause coup. He got votes from the people of the United States of America.
So for me it's so baffling why on earth Japanese have any saying to the election's result? You know what you morons just shut the f*ck up about the election because it's none of you Japanese faggots' business. 

Japanese just used the election to promote themselves as part of elites, for their own sake of status they disgraced the election and it's abomination. 
They don't even know why Trump was elected but for me it's obvious that he was elected because Americans are tired of all bullshit happening to them and they wanted a change. They knew Hilary won't change anything I mean just look at her career as a politician, she's been sitting her ass on the congress for more than 20 f*ckig years but she has done nothing. On the other hand, Trump is an amateur politician since he's got no experience but he is a businessman first, and politician second. In that sense he has done something visible and tangible unlike Hilary Clinton. Also some of you may call me a sexist, I'm not but I'm saying this as a fact that people in the U.S. didn't want female president right after African American president. I'm not racist but it's true and that's reflected on the demography of voters of Hilary Clinton. She couldn't obtain many votes from white female Americans. I'm not a racist nor sexist I'm just telling the truth. 

Anyway I guess something similar was going on in the U.S. support Hilary ten you are considered as liberal or elites unlike conservative peasant Trump supporters
Don't get me wrong I'm neither a Clinton nor Trump supporter, but I'm just saying that people are freaking out too much. Y'all need to calm down a little. 


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