
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Pathetic Identity of Ethnic Koreans in Japan

Japan as a homogeneous society is a total f*cking bullshit. It is a myth that the Japanese government wants to believe and they have been pushing this myth through compulsory education and their mainstream media. Because Japanese are exposed to this propaganda like brainwashing education, so many people actually believe that Japan is a homogeneous society and there's only Japanese living in Japan. BULLSHIT, Japan is made up of multiple races like Koreans, Chinese, Ainu, Buraku, Okinawan and etc.
Physically they might look similar, but that does not mean that it's mono-racial society. Probably for Asians all Europeans look similar haha.

Because of the crooked educational push by the government, many minority groups in Japan are ignored. One of the good examples of such is ethnic Koreans in Japan. The Japanese government is an asshole and they do not want to recognize existence of such people because it would destroy the myth.

What do they do then? They push those people to be assimilated into Japanese society. Japan officially has a racist stupid written affidavit from the National Department of Civil Affairs of the Ministry of Justice which states "Naturalization would be permitted for those who have acquired the Japanese lifestyle and who have succeeded in reducing their original traits."
Wow, to be naturalized in Japan you need to reduce your original traits. Assimilation resistance is futile. Why would you want to be naturalized in a country where its citizens' mindset is so xenophobic and racist.

But the thing is, I also think that pursuit of their own identity as minority groups is just tough, and I feel why don't they just simply give up and say "okay, f*ck this, I don't care anymore, I'm going to assimilate so that it'll be better for me. For my own good it'll be more advantageous."
Why are they so dependent on their identity, like Buraku, ethnic Koreans, Okinawans and etc.

I know the answer, because they are f*cking weak, they can't be themselves without their pathetic identity recognition. If you were the type of person, who is independent, smart and logical, you wouldn't struggle with all this bullshit.

Also I know for a Japanese person they always detest minority activism especially ethnic Koreans.
Here's the logic of Japanese, "you ethnic Koreans, if you want to go back to Korea then just go home, we don't want you here. You guys talk about bad shit about us and if you are so stressed just get the f*ck out of here."
Wow sounds like someone you know.
I also somewhat think like that and it's because I f*cking hate Japan and I am puzzled that why on earth those ethnic Koreans who possess Korean nationality, thus can go home anytime they want wouldn't go back. If I were in their shoe I would just f*cking get the hell out of this country and never come back. The fact that having a most devastating, disgusting passport that can ever exist on this planet, what those ethnic Koreans have are f*cking bless that they have their golden f*cking ticket to get the f*ck out of this goddamn country. 


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