
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Annoying Senior Citizens In Japan

I read an interesting article about senior citizens in Japan

"Senior citizens in Japan are committing crimes at increasing rates. The rate at which Japanese over the age of 65 have been arrested for mostly petty crimes has grown from 80 per 100,000 residents from 1995 to 2005 to a rate of 162 per 100,000 residents in the decade ending in 2015, the report notes." (Ankit Pand."What’s behind Japan’s rise in senior citizen crime?". The Japan Times. 25 Nov2016.)

You can see from the quote that the crime rate almost doubled. More and more senior citizens in Japan are turning to pain in the ass. As a younger citizen, those senior citizens are, I am being honest, annoying as fuck. 

Senior citizens are disrespectful, many of them stopped working and they rely their life mostly on their pensions. You know where do their pensions come from? They come from tax money of younger generations. It means that young working citizens are paying for seniors who are no longer productive and no longer capable of contributing to the society. 
It is unfair that seniors are just sitting their asses at home doing nothing and just wasting our taxes. With all sacrifices being made by young citizens, senior citizens don't seem to appreciate it. They rather complain, yap about young citizens being less active, ignorant, unwise, and etc. Their complaints are so irritating like nails on a chalkboard.  
I'm talking about senior citizens in JAPAN particular. 

Some of you may counter-argue me on this issue providing the fact that senior citizens were once young citizens who had contributed to the society. 
It's significant for all of you to know that I am solely talking about senior citizens in Japan. 
Senior citizens of current generation in Japan are the people who enjoyed Japan's economic bubble, when the economy of Japan was at its pinnacle and those seniors never endeavored, never persevered, they just got luck and were born in economically affluent period of time and the worst is that they took it for granted. 

Those senior citizens in Japan are f*cking poisonous and toxic, they do nothing but harm. They nonetheless still think that they are god in their society who are deserved to be respected automatically. That's totally bullshit, age doesn't determine anything of your character. You could be 85 years old and total f*cking loser but since Asia especially in East Asia I guess people's mindset is heavily influence by Confucianism and I say f*ck Confucianism, it made the society worse. Respect elderly? WHY SHOULD WE? When they are only toxic to the society.

To actually provide you a fresh vivid example, I post a video which I found on YouTube.

In this video you can see, this lame looking old man is ordering a young man who is possibly the video uploader, to give him a seat. 
Wait a minute, when we get onto a train, we all pay our fees, therefore we all have to right to have a seat and if there's no available seat, then you just stand and wait. It's simple as that.

This old man however is breaking the rule and telling the young man to give him his seat, and the man is refusing to do so.
It's not because the young man is an asshole, but it's the old man in the video who is being a douche-scumbag demanding arrogantly for his seat.   
Also this video does not just depict arrogance of seniors in Japan, but it is also unbelievable what the old man is saying.
He is basically telling the young man that "Are you Japanese? I think you aren't"
This attitude also shows that senior citizens' ignorance and also proves that they are racists
You don't tell strangers that you aren't of the citizen even if  you face a problem with someone else. This kind of nauseating attitude is the very reflection of cancerous senior citizens in Japan.


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