
Monday, January 2, 2017

Osechi Boxes Sucks

It's new year January and people in Japan are excite about doing some Japanese stuff. They never pray entire year and don't care anything about religion but for some reason, the new year they go to shrines and temples to pray and ring bells. This is another superficial attitude of Japanese people. 

One of the common customs here in Japan during so called "Shogatsu", new year January is to eat Osechi boxes. 
Osechi boxes are really expensive here in Japan. They usually cost 200 US dollars even at cheap convenient stores. It is baffling to me why a convenient store like 7/11 is selling Osechi boxes.
Osechi boxes are for some reason considered as Japanese traditional food of new years, but it's bullshit. Osechi was never eaten commonly before World War II. It became popular only after the war and when many department stores started to sell Osechi boxes for their marketing strategy and because Japanese people are clumsy dumbasses, they believed the marketing. Would you call eating KFC chicken wings on Christmas is also Japanese traditional thing? Bullshit. 

If you are interested in eating Osechi boxes, don't; they taste horrendous and so many things in the boxes are hideous. They have so many additives and chemicals to keep their bright colors and artificial sweetness. People here eat this from the 1st of January to 3rd of January. Every time you eat, you start to eat from something you can eat and later they'll be gone and you are left with terrible shit on the boxes.


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